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Icknield Primary

Yoga Club

Icknield Primary has been very lucky to secure a Yoga coach for an after school club for our pupils. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to take part in some gentle exercise. It is very good for flexibility and an excellent way for the children to feel relaxed. It is also great for their mental health. The Club will commence on Wednesday 24th April 2024 from 3.30pm until 4.30pm. This will run until Wednesday 17th July 2024.

You will need to provide permission for your child on Scopay for this term. If your child has attended Yoga Club before, please ensure you give permission on Scopay again for this term.

The cost for this club is £3 per session (£36 for the term). Please ensure that payment is made to enable your child to attend the club.

Please note that without permission and the relevant payment, your child will not be able to attend. Places will be offered on a first come first served basis.