Useful Links Open/Close

Useful Links Open/Close

Icknield Primary

Learning at Home

In the event of a bubble closure, children will move to on-line learning for their isolation period and class emails will reopen for direct communication with the teacher. The bubble will be closed for all members of the class even if they were not in school during the infectious period. This will help us to preserve the integrity of bubbles within school.

On the day of the bubble closure, children should access the learning provided on the school website in our Learning At Home section. Choose the relevant year group and Resources for Using at Home. You will need to use the year group password to access this area. Please contact the school office if you need a reminder of this.

On the day following a bubble closure, a timetable for remote learning will become available. You will find this in Learning At Home, the relevant year group and Whole Bubble Self Isolation. The daily timetable will include English, maths, topic and reading activities to be completed each day.

Please ensure that home learning is shared via the class email each day. Children will receive feedback on their work via email or as part of the class Zoom.

There will be a class registration in the morning of each day of isolation in the school week. The class teacher will email a link to you. There will be additional Zooms through the day as intervention work; these may be with the teacher or learning support assistants. Attending the registration zoom is mandatory for all children unless other arrangements have been put in place due to the educational needs of a pupil.

If you need support with technology during self-isolation, please contact the school office and we will do our best to help.

 Information for Parents on Remote Education

 Learning at Home Policy