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Icknield Primary



If your child has an EHCP,  the activities in this section may be more suitable than the general class learning.   Please do email our SENCO (Mrs. Nugent) if you need further advice at

Speech and Language Activities

Visual Learning

Visual aids can support many areas of a child’s language and communication development. Listening and attention can be enhanced through these aids, enabling a child to keep their concentration and focus on something visual whilst listening to instructions. Understanding skills are also enhanced, allowing children the time they need to process what they are being asked to do. It is important that visual aids are not used to replace language, but used alongside it to aid communication.

They can support all children enabling them to use visual aids to communicate their needs, feelings and understanding. It is a good idea to make visual cards accessible to the children so they are able to access them at all times of the day.

At Icknield we use a number of different visual aids including: British Sign Language/Sign Supported English/picture cards/real objects/drawings/puppets/modelling language/social stories.

This sheet will help support your children in understanding some of the language they will be hearing regularly during the current social situation. 

Visual Learning Symbols 

Weekly Activities


SEND Activities Week One SEND Activities Week Two SEND Activities Week Three SEND Activities Week Four 

SEND Activities Week Five SEND Activities Week Six SEND Activities Week Seven SEND Activities Week Eight 

SEND Activities Week NIne SEND Activities Week Ten SEND Activities Week Eleven SEND Activities Week Twelve 

SEND Activities Week Thirteen SEND Activities Week Fourteen  

Week 14 Resources

Butterfly Addition Butterfly Addition And Subtraction Measuring Caterplllars 

All About Me Bubbles All About Me Football All About Me Portrait 

Graduation Cap Instructions Graduation CapTemplate Graduation Cap Certificates My Favourite Memories Sharing Picnic Speech and Thought Bubbles Sports Day Activities 1 Sports Day Activities 2 

Spreading My Wings Spread Your Wings Drawing Steps 

Stick Puppets Cautious Caterpillar Story Map

Week 13 Resources

Dino Number Bonds Ordinal Numbers Dino Patterns 

Dino Measure Dinorsaur Toss 

Dinosaur Action Games Dinosaur Facts Dinosaur Egg 

Volcano Experiment Volcano Cone Volcano Cross Section

Week 12 Resources 

2D Shapes I Spy and Count Time Connectives 

Measuring Snakes Subtract Jungle 

Animal Facts Young Animal Game Young Animal Pictures 

Folding Zoo 

Rumble in The Jungle Words What Can You See in The Jungle Story Frame Drawing Steps Positional Language

Week 11 Resources

2D Shapes 3D Shapes Numbers to 20 Size Ordering Fish Shapes  

Sea Creature Fact File Sea Creature Facts Under The Sea Story Frame Morse Code How to Make a Periscope

Week 10  Resources

Bubble Jokes

Week 9 Resources

Giant Loo Roll Rap Toilet Roll Advert How Much Money Is in My Jar Capacity Word Mat British Coins British coins Word Mat Different Types of Rolling Paper Aeroplane Post Card Template

Week 8 Resources

Aliens Love Underpants Alien Addition Alien Pencil Control Alien Pencil Control Path Alien Story Words Halving Alien Moon Dough Order Planets Pants Templates 

Underwear Rule

Week 7 Resources

Literacy Monday Literacy Tuesday and Wednesday Story Frame for Tuesday and Wednesday Blank Story Frame

Week 6 Resources

Zog Film Review Zog Film Review Zog Puzzle Dragon Game Princess Game Split Pin Knight 

Dragon Cone Shield Templates Fire Breathing Dragon 


Week 5 Resources

How to Make a Paper Aeroplane

Week 4 Resources

Wednesday 2D Shapes Space Size Ordering Friday 

Planet Picture For Jigsaw 


Week 3 Activites

2D Shapes 3D Shapes 

Bear Hunt Colouring Pictures Bear Hunt Display Pictures Bear Hunt Story Plan Bear Hunt Word Mat 

 Describing Sheet Describing Sheet MA Sentences


Room With On The Broom

Ideas Question Cards Question Sheets 

Story Sequencing 

Little Red Hen

Little Red Hen (PPT) Little Red Hen (PDF) Ideas

Question Cards Question Sheets Sequence Cards

Story Sequencing


Clever Hands

Level 1 Level 2 

Fine Motor Development

Hand and Shoulder Hand Arch Scissors Lollystick Patterns Hand Strength Hand Manipulation


General Warm ups Letter Formations

Letter Worksheet Patterns Mehndi



Sensory Circuits

Motor Circuits  


Tidy Up Story (PPT)  Tidy Up Story (PDF)