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Icknield Primary


The teaching of Music at Icknield focuses on a combination of Music awareness and the development of key skills in artistic design. Music is a unique way of communicating that can inspire and motivate children. It is a vehicle for personal expression, and it can play an important part in the personal development of people. Music allows our pupils to REFLECT and links closely with their spiritual development. Besides being a creative and enjoyable activity, music can also be a highly academic and demanding subject. Music reflects the culture and society we live in, and so the teaching and learning of music enables children to better understand the world they live in and develops CURIOUSITY for different cultures and ideas. It also plays an important part in helping children feel part of a community. We provide opportunities for all children to create, play, perform and enjoy music, to develop the skills, to appreciate a wide variety of musical forms, and to begin to make judgements about the quality of music. The Luton Music Service provides mastery experiences across the whole school, including experience of Music Technology, tuned and untuned percussion, djembe, ukuleles, keyboards and singing.  Each Year Group play and perform, improvise and compose music, listen with attention to detail and recall sounds, use and understand staff and other musical notation, appreciate and understand a wide range of live and recorded music and develop an understanding of the history of music. The entire school receives a singing assembly once a week, led by an experienced vocal coach. 


update music development plan.pdf