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Icknield Primary

EYFS Admissions

Please find information that will be useful to you to help your child when they start school in September 2025.  

Information for Parents


Our leaflet, 'Welcome to Early Years at Icknield Primary School,' has lots of useful information about our Early Years provision, including key members of staff, how we share information about your child's learning and things to do to help ready your child for school.

Families who have been offered a place with us in September 2025, please keep an eye out for emails inviting you to a Welcome meeting in June and our 'Stay and Play' sessions in July. 
You can confirm your offer by bringing your child's birth certificate to the school office by 1st July 2025. All documents including permission slips should be emailed to the school office by the same date.

Welcome to our Early Years

Am I Ready For School? Flying Start Leaflet 

These leaflets are full of ideas and activities that you may want to do at home with your child to help them get ready for school.


 Useful Site to Visit

Flying Start Luton is an excellent website full of resources that support local parents, including ideas on how to prepare your child for a successful transition into school.

Flying Start Luton 

Resources to Help Your Child Start School

This is a great game to play with your child. Help your child create his or her character and pick a school jumper, then explore the school and find all the different activities to play.

Once the register has been taken, have a go at painting, block-building or making a calm jar. Keep an eye out for fun things to explore in the classroom - is that a butterfly?

First Day At School 

Share a story about Jake and his first day at school.

Jake's First Day Ahoy to My New Class