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Icknield Primary


The curriculum at Icknield Primary School (IPS) is designed to shape our children into confident, motivated and resilient learners who flourish into well-educated citizens. It is sequenced to ensure its coherence and planned to be ambitious for all of our pupils.  The skill of our Leaders of Learning across school ensures an inspiring, innovative and balanced education that meets the needs of all of our children. The curriculum provides opportunities for children to respond to our high expectations and to reach their full potential.  Each child’s well-being is valued and their resilience is promoted to embed a robust attitude to life – long learning.  

Teachers at Icknield have worked alongside senior leaders to develop a well-planned curriculum. The context of our school has been carefully considered and lessons in deaf awareness, British Sign Language, Forest School and lessons which link to the cultural background of our pupils have been purposefully included in our curriculum design. All Leaders of Learning at IPS have high expectations of all pupils and the ambitious intent of the curriculum is believed in and delivered consistently. 

When teaching lessons, all Leaders of Learning ensure that the objectives of the long term plan are covered to a high standard and that any adaptations to the curriculum (for example to take account of children’s interests, to improve outcomes or to make the topic more motivating for particular groups of pupils) are well thought out, discussed with subject leaders and do not result in any gaps in learning, repetition or learning that does not support the planned sequence. All lessons, regardless of subject, are evaluated thoroughly and improvements are made for future learning with impact on pupil outcomes. 

Leaders of learning use cognitive science approaches, based on evidence-informed research, to help pupils integrate new knowledge into the long-term memory and make enduring connections. 

Educational visits, guest speakers, workshops and assemblies are woven into school life and again are carefully planned across the academic year to support the delivery of the curriculum. Close links with our main feeder high school results in learning that builds a strong foundation for our pupils’ future development in all subject areas. 

The impact of our curriculum is measured by the progress children make and their outcomes, both data outcomes and social and emotional development. This is not solely assessed using academic data as an indicator of learning; as a school we value the progress that children make in terms of ‘cultural literacy’. We believe that giving our children the breadth of knowledge and skills to move successfully into each key stage within our school (and ultimately into adulthood) is a valuable indicator of a successful primary curriculum. This aspect of learning within the curriculum is fundamental to our support of disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND. 

We acknowledge and value the subject knowledge and expertise of our Learning in Leaders, not only in planning a coherent curriculum, but in monitoring the delivery of their subject area throughout the school. Class teachers and Learning Support Assistants ensure that skills learnt are re-visited and applied in a variety of settings to embed a ‘learning to learn’ culture. 

Monitoring activities include learning walks, pupil progress meetings and planning and work scrutiny to ensure that the skills and knowledge of each year group builds year-on-year. In addition, SLT and Leaders in Learning supplement their monitoring with ‘pupil interviews’ that assess children’s knowledge and understanding. These strategies coincide with research findings on curriculum impact, which hinges not only on careful planning, but in the monitoring and support of delivery. 

Training in pedagogical skill and subject knowledge for Leaders in Learning (and all teaching staff) is planned in accordance with the strategic overview of the Senior Leadership Team. Its effectiveness is measured through Performance Management and the monitoring activities of SLT and Leaders in Learning. 


Please see our Whole School Curriculum Overview here:

Whole School Curriculum Overview by Subject