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Icknield Primary

PSHE / Relationships and health


We want our children to be emotionally prepared to deal with a wide range of situations and flourish into well-rounded citizens who can deal with social, cultural, spiritual, physical and moral issues.  

The National Curriculum states that ‘all schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice.’  According to the Education Act 2002 and the Academies Act 2010, the PSHE curriculum should be a balanced and broadly-based curriculum which ‘promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and prepares pupils at the school for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.’ 

We use a PSHE Programme called 3D PSHE to meet these aims and more. This programme also covers all the statutory 2020 guidance of Relationships Education and Health Education, as well as supporting children in how to deal with social, cultural, spiritual, physical and moral issues.  It is further underpinned by British values and includes special units relating to extremism and radicalisation as well as substance related abuse, which are taught in an age-appropriate way.  

This is achieved through three underlying core themes, which are repeated and built upon in each phase:  

  • Health and Wellbeing 
  • Relationships 
  • Living in the Wider World 


As pupils participate in a wide variety of activities ranging from discussions/circle time, stories, worksheets, videos, art, drama, visiting speakers, interactive games to organising events & social enterprise initiatives, they become aware of their skills and talents, develop their self-worth, learn to work as part of a team and take greater responsibility for their own learning, which enables them to make significant contributions to both life in school and within the wider community.  Children cannot be withdrawn from these lessons. 

More specifically it teaches them to:  

    • Live healthy lifestyles
    • Address personal hygiene and develop an awareness of changing and growing
    • Deal with different emotions in an appropriate way
    • Keep safe, including online
    • Communicate well with others and work as a team
    • Define, identify and know how to respond to bullying
    • Know where and how to seek help when needed
    • Treat everybody with respect
    • Form and build positive relationships
    • Understand the reasons for rules, and their responsibility to keep them
    • Learn about their responsibility in caring for others
    • Be active in their own learning and within their community
    • Manage money well
    • Self-assess and identify their strengths and weaknesses
    • Know how to make emergency calls
    • Know basic First Aid
    • Work collaboratively and respectfully
    • Appreciate diversity and empathise with other points of view
    • Express opinions clearly
    • Understand the changes that occur in puberty and develop strategies for managing changing emotions

Sex education is not statutory in primary schools and after consultation with parents, we have determined not to include this in our curriculum.