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Icknield Primary

School Uniform

Please ensure your child's full name is clearly labelled on all uniform, coats and bags. 

Plain grey trousers, plain grey skirt or pinafore dress

Plain white polo shirt:

with or without Icknield Primary School logo

Dark blue sweatshirt or cardigan:

with or without Icknield Primary School logo 

Black, grey or white socks or leggings
Blue, black or white headscarf
Black school shoes
Summer uniform: Plain grey shorts or Blue and White checked dress
P.E. Kit
Plain navy or black jogging bottoms
Plain blue or black shorts
Plain white or light blue t-shirt
Winter: Plain navy or black zipped jumper
Footwear: Trainers
Year 4/5 Swimming Kit: tight fitting swimming trunks or one piece swimming costume, towel and swimming hat. 


No jewellery should be worn for PE or swimming.  If ear piercings are to be worn they should be small studs.  No hoops or long earrings are permitted to be worn for health and safety reasons.  New ear piercings should be restricted to the longer school holidays to allow for safe removal as no jewellery may be worn for PE or swimming.


Long hair must be tied up on PE days.  No large bows or hairbands with accessories such as ears can be worn as they block the view of children sitting behind the child wearing this.

Make Up and Nail Varnish

Make up and cosmetics are not considered appropriate or consistent with our school uniform and safeguarding requirements.  Nail varnish is not allowed, and is deemed unsafe in an emergency when determining blood flow.  Temporary tattoos are not in line with our uniform policy and are distracting to other pupils in class also.

Uniform Exchange 

The Level Trust has a school uniform exchange in The Mall, Luton.  Please click on the below links to support you in finding uniform.  All unclaimed uniform from school is taken to the Uniform Exchange to support our families.

Level Trust Uniform Exchange 

Icknield Primary School Uniform Policy