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Icknield Primary

Home Reading Support


Home Reading Support 


At Icknield Primary School we teach early reading and writing using Read Write Inc – a synthetic phonics scheme that enables our children to successfully decode words and enjoy reading at school.  

We are delighted to now share our new Read Write Inc ‘Book Bag Books’ for children and their families to enjoy at home. The books match the phonemes and graphemes that are taught in school and the structure of our phonics lessons; with words to practise before reading the story and questions to develop comprehension skills. 

On this page you will find a series of videos showing staff reading with pupils at our school. You can see how we support children when listening to them read and find practical advice to follow at when reading at home.  

Please also use the phonics resources that we have shared in our curriculum page.   

If you would like further help, please contact the school via our email address. 

Home Reading Intro 

Reading Book 1 Reading Book 2 Reading Book 3 

Home Reading Letter EYFS - Phonics Letter Yr 1 - Phonics Letter