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Icknield Primary

Icknield Primary School - PTA


We a small and enthusiastic group, made up of Parents/ Carers, Teachers and Support Staff.

Our aim is to provide support for the aims of the school and to raise funds that will further the pupils education.

Your continued support made it possible for us to get the amazing outdoor gym equipment you must have seen in the KS2 playground.

Recently we also donated money to the schools nature club which is being used to create raised beds and insect hotels in the schools garden.

 All the year groups in school are getting   the opportunity to take part in this.


 We would now like to request more parents/carers to step   forward and actively support the PTA by volunteering. We   haven't been able to go ahead with much loved events like the   movie night and summer fair due to a lack of volunteers.


Help us enrich the learning experience of all children by volunteering at our events for a few hours once a term. 



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