Please refer to the documents below for details of our school Governors.
Umair AhmedChair of Govenors
Umair Ahmed
I'm Umair and I am one of the co-opted governors at Icknield Primary School. Having worked in the Civil Service for the last 15 years, I wanted to give something back to the local community. I have two daughters who are both pupils at the school, so I decided to join the governing body. With the support of the senior leadership team, I was delighted to become a governor earlier this year. Together with the rest of the governors, I'm passionate about helping the school excel, meet its vision and provide the best start to our children's educational journey.
Joanna FarbonHeadteacher
Joanna Farbon
I have been Headteacher at Icknield Primary School since March 2019. I have been a Headteacher for over 7 years, having led a Church of England School in Central Bedfordshire for five years. Â I was a School Improvement Adviser for 25 schools in Central Bedfordshire before joining Icknield Primary.
I currently sit on the Strategic Leadership Group for the Faculty of Education at the University of Bedfordshire and am a member of a local group of headteachers who act as critical friends in our work as strategic leaders in schools.
Since the start of my career I have sat on governing bodies for all of the schools I have worked in and am delighted to bring this knowledge to the Governing Body at Icknield Primary School.
Helen MastersSEND Governor
Helen Masters
I am the Director of SEND and Safeguarding for Chiltern Learning Trust. Previously, I sat on the SLT of an OFSTED Outstanding School with a remit including SEND, DSL, DT LAC, Mental Health Lead, and Fair Access.
In my current position, I oversee the quality of education and school improvement for SEND and Safeguarding within the MAT, supporting schools on a strategic and at times operational level. -
Jane BowyerCo-opted Governor
Jane Bowyer
Hello, my name is Jane Bowyer. I am a co-opted governor and I was a Senior Teaching Assistant for Key Stage 2 before I retired earlier this year. I worked at Icknield Primary for 24 years, I feel extremely proud to have been a member of this excellent school.
Leigh CentracchioCo-opted Governor
Leigh Centracchio
I'm Leigh and I'm one of the co-opted governors at Icknield Primary School. I've worked in the UK Financial Services industry for over 23 years holding a number of senior roles, predominantly in Finance and Risk Management. I've had four children who have all come through the school over the last few years and  I was delighted to join the governing body in 2020. As part of the wider governing body, I want to be able to help drive the school vision to ensure all our children get the best possible start to their educational journey.
Joanne WilliamsCo-opted Governor
Joanne Williams
I grew up in the West Midlands and now live in Oxfordshire, I'm happily married to Rich and we have a vibrant 9 years old who keeps us on our toes! Â Â My career has been spent in business with broad experience across Marketing and Sales working on brands that you may be familiar with such as Nivea and Mars, creating vision & strategy, managing budgets and building effective teams. Â Â Â
I am also a certified coach and am  passionate about helping people achieving their potential and live content & fulfilling lives.   I am delighted to  join the governing team at Icknield Primary and look forward to using my experience to positively impact children's lives in any way that I can.
Andrew PeckCo-opted Governor
Andrew Peck
I'm Andrew and I'm one of the co-opted governors at Icknield Primary School. For the past 15 years I have been working in Outdoor Education and I'm a qualified Forest School practitioner. I have since set-up my own business and work in a number of Luton schools delivering curriculum based activity days. My aim is to help and support the senior leadership team move forward to realise their vision for the school.
Nargis AliCo-opted Governor
Nargis Ali
Chris GreenStaff Governor
Chris Green
My name is Chris Green. I am a class teacher in Year 5 and Deputy Maths Lead. I am extremely proud of being a member  of  the Icknield Family for the last 7 years and supporting the growth and development of our amazing pupils during this time. I am the Staff Governor which enables me to share the staff's perspective with our Board of Governors.
Jahidul IslamParent Governor
Jahidul Islam
Julie WarrenClerk
Julie Warren
Governor Declarations of Interest
Governor Attendance Register 2023-2024
If you have any further queries please contact our school office.