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Icknield Primary



What we do

Luton Deaf Advisory & Support Team (LDAST) provides support for children with a permanent hearing loss and their families from initial diagnosis through to the end of the primary stage. The team make visits to homes, nurseries and schools.

The levels of support are based on the type and level of hearing loss and if hearing loss is one of many additional needs. The service is based at Icknield Primary School and works closely with the Deaf Provision there.

We offer specialist advice and support about:

  • the development of listening, language and communication
  • learning
  • social-emotional development
  • strategies for school and setting staff
  • training for professionals
  • transition between settings
  • the use of hearing technology and specialist equipment


We work alongside staff with a wide range of specialist knowledge, including Educational Psychologists, and Speech & Language therapists. We work closely with staff in health services such as paediatricians and health visitors.

Click the link below to visit our website for more information on the support we can offer.

LDAST Website 


How to access the service

Once a diagnosis is confirmed NHS Audiology services or schools can make a referral.


Contact Information 

Pre-School & Primary Manager: Clare Johnson

07703 716146