SEND Information
Keely NugentSENDCo
Keely Nugent
At Icknield Primary school we believe in developing confident, motivated and resilient learners who flourish into well-educated citizens, including those who may, on occasions or permanently, require interventions and additional services.
Please click below to view our latest SEND Information Report and our SEND Policy.
For information on our SEND referrals process please click below.
smarti flyer march 25 working doc.pdf
Neurodiversity Support Pack
Bedfordshire and Luton, together with parents and carers, have developed a ‘Diagnosis Support Pack’ on their website for families and children with a neurodiversity. It contains a wide range of information, resources and support in a variety of formats, on topics such as sleep, sensory processing, supporting communication, and mental health. Webpages are available in easy read formats and can be translated into many different languages using the recite me toolbar at the top of the page.
Local Offer
The Local Offer helps you find information about local services, support and events for children and young people aged 0 to 25 years who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).
The aim of the local offer is to provide clear, comprehensive, and accessible information about support and opportunities available for children and young people with special educational needs in our area.
To ensure that the provision of services in education, health and social care are more responsive to local needs and aspirations of children and young people by directly involving them, their parents/ carers and service providers in its development and review.
Find out more about the Local Offer, run by the councils, in our area by clicking on one of the links below:
Luton Borough Council Local Offer
Central Bedfordshire Council Local Offer
Bedford Borough Council Local Offer
Parent’s/Carers may also want to sign up to their local parent carer forum, for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities. To find out more about what they do please find the contact details below:
Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum:
Telephone: 07943524553
Central Beds Parent Carer Forum (SNAP):
Telephone: 07984 545044
Luton Parent Carer Forum (EPIC Luton):
SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and disability Information, Advice and Support Service) offers a free, confidential support service for young people with SEND and their parents and carers.
For families in Bedford Borough:
For families in Central Bedfordshire:
For families in Luton:
Local Authority Early Help Services
Beds Borough Early help:
Luton Borough Council Early Help:
Central Bedfordshire Council Early help:
For further information on Sensory Differences:
Further information on Speech, Language and Communication Needs:
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